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Mar 9, 2023
Why body image is probably not your problem
It took a lot of work on my body image, confidence, and past to acknowledge that I was trying to manipulate my body to stop predators.

Feb 24, 2023
How to be a body ally
How can you make your body feel more at home? What kind of things do you think someone who does feel like their body is an ally would be say

Feb 17, 2023
Who is profiting from me feeling like this? Why comparison is a joy-thief
one of the things I found helpful when I was doing this work in regards to my body image, which is something that, as someone who's lived a

Feb 12, 2023
I believe that self love is key to changing the world
The work you do on yourself impacts all of your relationships, and the level of compassion or criticism we show ourselves ripples out.

Feb 9, 2023
Separating fat from fiction (what we mean when we say "I feel fat")
When we say, “I feel fat”, quite often, what we mean is that we feel bloated or uncomfortable or lethargic or sleepy or lazy or tired or

Feb 7, 2023
I know I am meant to love myself, so why is it so hard to apply this to my body image?
You're smart; you see how people being excluded does all an injustice. And yet… You just can't seem to apply this stuff to yourself.

Feb 5, 2023
Dissecting Food Morality: The Thin Line Between Diet Culture and Oppression
It also reinforces the harmful notion that our bodies are something to be controlled and manipulated rather than celebrated and respected.

Feb 3, 2023
Stop viewing exercise as a weightloss tool
I thought of exercise as a tool for weight loss in many ways, and I have put a lot of time and effort into thinking about how I can change t

Dec 18, 2022
Food and Festivities
The holiday season is often associated with overindulgence, whether in food, alcohol, or consumerism. For many people, this time of year can

Oct 7, 2022
Body Confidence Picnic
Body confidence picnic. A few weeks ago I hosted a body confidence picnic, for people I have done shoots with in the past. We shared food,

Jul 22, 2022
What would your impact be if you felt confident as hell in your body?
What if you did not just tolerate your body, what if you thought it was incredible, magical, useful, resourceful, playful? What could be po

Jul 15, 2022
I'm hot
What other people think of me is not my priority. And my feet are frankly not theirs, but yet still this voice pops up in a very reasonable

May 6, 2022
This is Rowan
Rowan arrived at the studio they laid out their outfits and I dived straight for this shirt and fell about fawning about how brilliant it wo

Mar 4, 2022
Is zoom breaking your brain?
I am sure a lot of is due to old coping mechanisms being freshly presented as defence techniques, and there are a lot of anxieties about go

Sep 1, 2015
Verbal Abuse
People have no qualms about talking about your body here. Men walk past me in the street and tell me I am fat. Women prod my stomach...
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