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The tools I used in 2024

2024 was a really tough year for me I could not have done it alone.

Here are some ways I reached into my toolkit this year for survival.

• I told my friends when I was struggling.

• I asked my body what it needed.

• I reached out to my coaches to help me find thought patterns I was not noticing and habits I was repeating.

• I identified old coping strategies and asked myself each day, whether they were serving me or not; and tried to lean back into the vision that the universe knows more than I do.

• I chanted, I swam, I journaled, and I stared at the horizon and looked for ways to listen to myself more loudly.

• I boldly said yes to invitations, even when I felt I had nothing left to give.

• When I had no more tears left, I sang out of tune at the top of my lungs. And just let the noise hang there. Jangly. Uncomfortable. And every bit me.

• Disappeared into books and came out with stories and inspiration.

• Got out the paint box I had as a kid, and painted some of the mess in my head.

• I did my own self-coaching and I unpacked my grief with the tools I teach. They work. They really, really work.

Leaning into the word of the things that I have gathered in a lifetime to hold me in the hardest of times has been proof that at each juncture, of this integration. I learn, I gather, I grow. Each time I feel it all crumbling, I rebuild, not from the ground, but from how far down the road we've made it.


2024 was a tough year. And yet there was joy.  There was learning.  There was laughter and I swam with a whale and I made friends I will love for lifetimes and I got invited to parties and took part in exhibitions and crafted a new friendship circle in a town where I knew no one and found a cure for one of my smallest bust most irritating long covid symptoms, and read in bed and lay on a beach in an overcoat in the rain with arms full of shopping and so, so, so much more.


When we are in the thick of it, it can feel like life is a static state, but we are moving, moment to moment, and at each point, we get to choose: lean into our resources or tumble into despair.  Everything you have ever loved and learnt is there waiting to catch you.  And if you need a map home, is right here.


Fog on the canal and winter trees


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