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Why I'm choosing a year of indulgence for 2025


I want this coming year to be a year of ease.

I want to delete an indulgence.

I want to surround myself with enchantment.


Because I think it is essential.


When we face such big challenges on a personal and global scale, it can be tempting to fall into restriction and strip back the joy.


But I do not wish to be working for a world where the magic has been drained dry.


The reason I work with people on their body confidence is to allow people to take up their space and fill the world with what they choose.


It can be tempting to think of joy as wasteful when there are so many more serious issues to be grappled with. But I believe this is a surefire way to needing escapism and numbing out.


What if we were able to hold space, to be carefree and also to care with our whole hearts?


This is my mission, want to join me?

A frosty sunrise


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