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I am here to help you capture the images that fill you with emotion, joy and pride.


Maybe you want someone to capture the atmosphere of your party?  Maybe its a portrait but you feel uncomfortable in front of a camera? Maybe some things are transitioning in your life and you would like that documented? Or maybe you need to reclaim the way you see yourself?


My style is to explore, with you, what you are seeking and create photographs which tell your uniquely story.




I photograph a lot of people who are not comfortable in front of the camera.  In fact most of the people I photograph fall into this category.


Once thing I noticed about people who dismissed photographs of themselves or made outright cruel remarks about heir bodies was that they also spoke this way about themselves.


At the time when I was first getting into empowerment photography, I was also training to be a counsellor.  I wanted to support people better.  What I found was people wanted more than I could give them during the shoot.  I also realised that unpicking the past was not always the most useful approach.


This is when I discovered coaching.  With he support of my  brilliant teacher Kara, I shifted more in myself in 18 months than I had in 20 years of therapy.  It was these tools of self view through a social justice lens that I witnessed the people I was shooting really needed too, so I decided to train with her teacher to be able able to support people more with their mental and emotional wellbeing as well ass their body image in their photographs.


This bloomed into which is some of the best work of my life.  It is a coaching community of incredible people doing their own work and supporting each other.  each month we focus on a new theme, untangle our beliefs and unearth our own road blocks which are causing our self sabotage.


I always want to ensure my work does not  replicate the  systems which have brought us here in the first place, so my coaching courses work on an If-You-Can, If-You-Can’t and Free If You Need It basis.  If you would like to learn more about how to work with me to put a spam filter on your brain head over to



















Photography for me has always been about capturing that story other people may have missed. That fleeting moment where the possibilities are.


My unique eye captures the playfulness of my circus background, my ability to engage warmly with my subjects to make them feel as captivated as I am by what is unfolding and my buddhist belief in the reverence of life.


Contact me to see how we can pause time for a moment and create the image your heart wants to see.


Zahara, Aerialist, Mother, Tree Climber

Oh my god wow!

First impression having a (not very) quick look on my phone is the colours are fucking amazing! Some of those really made me laugh, I really love lots of them, I can see I was having a good laugh, it's so weird to see yourself so... Um... in focus I guess. I can see all these things like... I've aged for better or worse, my mother in a really nice way, one of my cousins who I always thought was pretty and much more Indian looking than me, I still have a teenager thing for better or worse hahaha..... I have definite favorites and you caught something I'm happy to see isn't gone.....


Ever notice how often you hear people say they are too busy?


Ever notice how often you hear people say they don't know where the time went?


Are you one of those people?


Let me help you stop time for a moment and create something precious

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