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Jan 5
What are the Long-Term Benefits of Confidence Coaching?
— Sometimes it is hard to even remember all the mean things I used to say to myself as easy as breathing. “I am just not the kind of...

Aug 4, 2024
Why We Expect to Be Fixed (and how coaching can help)
I know it's not fashionable for a coach to say, but I don't think you are broken. But I do think it's worth looking into. Why so many of...

Feb 18, 2024
"I need this to work" and other scarcity classics
The truth is, I often battle against the thought, “I REALLY NEED this to work" I believe in it 100% I know it is transformative. I know the

Jan 25, 2024
Self-Care in Solitude: Looking After Yourself When No One’s Watching
It's easy to perform self-care when we are documenting it for social media or our mates are holding us accountable, but when you are on your

Nov 20, 2023
I used to hate the idea of group coaching. Or any kind of group therapy, to be honesty.
So many of us are socialised to believe that the way we earn love - the way we earn safety, is by putting everyone else before us.

Oct 19, 2023
Creating new brain patterns (with a calculated use of ballet dancing trains)
When it comes to making changes to our habits and brain patterns, it can be easy to just focus on what we want to stop doing. When we do tha

Oct 12, 2023
That time I caught my brain out for lying
I wanted to share a wonderful / agonising little experience, which is a great example of how your brain lies to you and that maybe you

Oct 5, 2023
Pst? You’re probably a bit judgemental
Someone got up and wrote “non-judgemental”, and she crossed it out and simply stated, “That’s not possible. You’re a human.”

Sep 11, 2023
Coaching is like cleaning: you only notice what you've missed when someone else shows up
; sometimes, when we're too close to a situation, we can't see what is under our noses or areas that need attention. This is precisely like

Jul 29, 2023
What is it You Want? (and why we stopped asking for our own needs)
We are taught to believe that if we don't have needs and make ourselves as small and unburdensome as possible, there is a chance we can

May 26, 2023
Why Affirmations Did Not Work for You
ne of the ways that you can find a connection to some of these words is just to find some incremental, neutral thoughts that are more in the

May 12, 2023
We don't need another quick fix cure
when we fixate on this idea of "solving" the problem that we have at the moment, we miss out on what is most of our lives because we're

May 1, 2023
Understanding Imposter Syndrome
To combat imposter syndrome, we must first address the root of the problem: our mindset. Undoubtedly you have seen the suggestion to “be mor

Apr 28, 2023
You take the same brain with you
So if you don't spend time trying to work out what your boundaries are and what your sort of definition of that is, it can get really murky

Apr 21, 2023
Better Boundaries
Boundaries are a set of values about your life that you want. That's it. Well, this puts us in the space of trying to look at boundaries

Apr 14, 2023
But I don't have time
Is that managing your mindset and looking after your emotional health and giving yourself tools to stop yourself spiralling and things feel

Apr 2, 2023
Confidence, politics and lying to yourself
Being confident means being kind to ourselves, which is infuriatingly more difficult than it sounds. Especially when, logically, you know it

Apr 1, 2023
Why we don't set boundaries
The more we are able to untangle our needs from other people's reactions, the easier it becomes to get really honest with ourselves about

Mar 23, 2023
What is wrong with you?
Unconditional acceptance sounds like a radical idea which drips with fear of forbidden things like laziness and indulgence. But rather than

Mar 22, 2023
What failing at maths taught me about life
Maths is a perfect example. I used to be terrified of numbers. Sometimes the pressure of absolute right or wrong clashed with the idea that
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