Why it's good to be sad sometimes
Numbing Out and Escapism
I used to hate the idea of group coaching. Or any kind of group therapy, to be honesty.
Don’t know where to start with goal setting?
Why feeling bad about feeling bad, probably isn't helping.
How about a nice, tasty, snooze?
How to get out of your inbox and onto the sofa
What is the other side of disappointment?
Pst? You’re probably a bit judgemental
Waiting for other people to change
Coaching is like cleaning: you only notice what you've missed when someone else shows up
Because Happiness is not Enough
The Emotional Rollercoaster
When Your Heart Cannot Stop Being Tested by Big Emotions
What do you really want? (how to communicate your needs without undermining yourself)
How to stop chasing happiness
Deciding to care is self care
How to Look After Yourself When You're Busy: Self-Care Tips for a Busy Lifestyle
How much emotional baggage are you willing to unpack?
The Power of Mindset: Understanding the Link Between Thoughts and Emotions